Cosplay is an art form that has grown exponentially in popularity over the past decade, with cosplayers all around the world donning their favorite characters’ costumes to attend conventions, take part in photoshoots, or just show off their hard work online. It’s important to remember that cosplayers are people too, and as such, there are certain things you should never say to them if you want to avoid coming off as rude or insensitive. In this article, we’ll go over what not to say when interacting with a cosplayer so you can be sure your conversations remain respectful and appropriate!

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The Basics of Cosplay Etiquette

When it comes to interacting with a cosplayer, it’s important to remember that they are people too and should be treated with the same respect as anyone else. To start off, here are some basic tips for interacting with any cosplayer:
• Always ask permission before taking photos or touching costumes/props;
• Respect their personal boundaries;
• Avoid making assumptions about gender identity;
• Be mindful of language used (avoid using terms like ‘fake’, ‘imitation’, etc.).
These simple rules will help ensure that everyone involved feels respected and comfortable throughout the entire process!

Don’t Ask About Personal Details

When talking to a cosplayer, it’s best not to ask personal questions such as where they live or how old they are – these kinds of questions can make them feel uncomfortable and may even make them less likely to want to interact with you at all! Additionally, asking about money matters (such as how much they spent on their costume) is also inappropriate – remember that this is an art form for many people and discussing finances can quickly become awkward for everyone involved. If you’re curious about something related to a costume or prop, try asking more general questions instead (e.g., “What inspired your design?”).

Don’t Touch Without Permission

This should go without saying but it bears repeating – never touch someone else’s costume or props without first getting their permission! Not only does this show respect for their hard work but it also avoids any potential damage being done by unintended contact with sharp edges or delicate fabrics/materials. Additionally, some props may contain fragile electronics components which could easily be damaged by careless handling – so always err on the side of caution when it comes to physical contact with another person’s belongings!

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Don’t Make Unsolicited Comments on a Cosplayer’s Appearance

As mentioned previously, cosplayers are people too – so just like anyone else they don’t appreciate unsolicited comments about their physical appearance! This includes anything from compliments (“You look great!”) to criticism (“That doesn’t look very accurate…”). Even if you mean well by giving someone positive feedback about how they look in their costume, it can still come across as intrusive – so unless someone specifically asks for your opinion on something related to their appearance (e.g., “Do these colors match?”), then it’s best not to comment at all!

Don’t Judge the Quality of a Costume

No matter how experienced someone is at crafting costumes or building props, everyone has different skill levels and resources available – so avoid making assumptions about someone else’s work based solely on its quality! Instead of pointing out any perceived flaws in another person’s costume/props (or comparing them unfavorably against other creations), focus instead on celebrating everyone’s unique talents and abilities – after all, everyone deserves recognition regardless of how ‘good’ they are at something!

Don’t Take Photos Without Permission

Taking photos without permission can quickly become invasive and disrespectful – especially when dealing with someone else’s artwork or personal property (in this case costumes/props). Remember that cosplaying is an art form which requires time and effort from its practitioners – so always ask before taking pictures (and check back afterwards too!) just like you would if taking photos anywhere else in public spaces. Additionally, never post images online without explicit consent from those featured in them either directly through social media platforms or via email/text message beforehand!

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Respect Their Time and Space

Last but not least, respect others’ time and space when interacting with them during conventions or photoshoots alike! This means avoiding interrupting conversations between fellow attendees/cosplayers unless invited into said conversation first; refraining from crowding around one person while taking pictures; allowing enough room between yourself and others while walking around convention halls; etcetera. All these little things add up to creating an overall atmosphere where everyone feels respected regardless of who they are or what character they’re dressed up as!


Get in Contact With CosplayHero And Check Out Their Shop!: Now that we’ve gone over some key points when interacting with a cosplayer remember that respect goes both ways – so show appreciation for other people’s hard work by getting in contact with CosplayHero – Europe’s leading shop for everything related to Cosplay – from wigs & accessories through costumes & props all the way up full-scale replica weapons & armor sets – plus much more besides!. Whether you’re looking for something special for yourself or searching out the perfect gift idea for a friend – make sure you check out CosplayHero today – you won’t regret it!


What not to do to a cosplayer?

Following cosplayers touching them and taking pictures from a distance is an example of what Imani should not do. Others offered to fix something or take something from someone’s hair or wig Imani said.

How do you respect cosplayers?

Please do not take inappropriate cosplay photos or capture cosplayers in embarrassing moments. If a cosplayer is eating while doing an activity or taking a break leave it and come back later. A movie isn’t worth it if it isn’t the best.

How do you talk to a cosplayer?

Try to find out about our interests or ask us about cosplay and maybe con experiences. We are not some kind of robot. We will talk to you if we are not busy and it does not inconvenience you. Don’t stay with us and don’t be afraid.

How do you interact with cosplayers?

Look don’t touch it. Do not touch cosplayers’ clothing or equipment without their express permission. You don’t have to hug or make physical contact. Like anything else in life you can ask for it but no one owes you anything. If you ask a player for a hug they say no respect and walk away.

Do cosplayers get harassed?

Unfortunately, in recent years, it has become notorious for sexual harassment and many cosplayers are often being beaten up by women.

Are there rules in cosplay?

As a hobby cosplayer has no rules. Of course, every conference you attend will post its own set of rules on its website but most of those rules come down to public decency and safety.